MystickallyMe Apothecary was built out of a sacred promise to help people love their body at any size, to honor the footprints of our Ancestors, and to hold space for the truths we hold deep within ourselves. Mystick transfers the love curated from deep within into each product every time their hands are used to create and then this love gets to be received by the people who consume them.
When I met Mystick, the owner of MystickallyMe Apothecary, it was clear that there was one of those “magic auras” present. You know, the kind of person who just has a gravitational force around them that when they walk in the room, you can’t help but notice them because they express so much light. After talking more in depth with Mystick about the journey towards owning a business and the meaning behind the products, I wasn’t surprised to hear that the realization of innate magic happened at a very young age. And that it was the personal journey of overcoming the feelings of needing to hide the inner truth and move towards full expression of self is why these products are more than just teas and creams; they truly hold healing properties because of where they come from and why they were created.
Mystick wanted to create something to help men and women with mind and body connection; to help them integrate spirit and soul work together so that they can work on themselves in a place of peace. The work allows you, as the consumer, to “harmonize with nature’s whisper through the teas and sacred self-care products”. But it doesn’t stop with these products, there is also coaching and support provided. Mystick works with people suffering from a variety of metabolic imbalances, hormone disruption, intimacy complications, and those seeking a path to deeper sensuality.
The ability to hold a space for someone without shame or judgment is evident from the discussion. The love of body, spirit, and mind and self-respect is also very tangible. After learning of Mystick’s upbringing it’s clear that there is a lineage of beautiful souls providing people with nothing less than the best of what humans can provide. And it’s just so refreshing to see people who are willing to claim their gifts, their magic, their whole entire selves in a world that is meant to make us think that we need to hide, change who we are, and conform to the beliefs of others.
Millicent Audrey Jean Scott, “Jean”, is Mystick’s grandmother. And let me tell you, everyone
needs a Jean in their life. It’s Jean who taught Mystick how to put back into the world, not just take. It’s her who’s credited with helping Mystick understand that “normalcy” wasn’t meant to be, that the purpose of life was to be truly who you are, in all of its uniqueness. And Jean leaves an imprint of a lesson we all can learn from: find like minded people, those are the ones for you, the others truly don’t matter.
Mystick also got the opportunity to learn from an entrepreneurial mother, Sadie, who has never worked for anyone other than herself. In the beginning, the entrepreneurial lifestyle wasn’t loved, because it meant missing out on what classmates and friends were doing because work had to be done. But now, Mystick “lives by Sadie’s determination, resilience, and ability to custom fit”. The art of communication and connecting with others is what has been passed down and is fully evident in Mystick’s spirit.
When asked about favorite ways to love yourself, the answer Mystick gave was simple, but so impactful- forgiveness. Forgiving oneself. And by the allowance to truly be who Mystick is so that she doesn’t even have to open her mouth to have her presence felt and to be seen. Mystick came to America with no papers, from Port Royal, Kingston, Jamaica with an Afro-Latina heritage; the product and the perfect mix of Jean & Sadie. The birth of MystickallyMe came as an inspiration from having a daughter. The hope for this daughter is that she can be as feminine and fluid as she wants, that life will provide the magic that is hers and that there will be no other way than to travel the journey with love for herself and her body. This is the hope for each client as well.
A final quote from the magic of Mystick: “Wanting to be great takes a discipline that not many are willing to do the work for. Until the good Lord takes me, every day that I get up I have the choice to do something in my business, and in myself to become better. A better mother, sister, friend, being in itself…so that my name can live on and be spoken in the way that I desire.”
Mystick doesn’t heal people. Mystick puts them in a position to heal themselves. So check it out y’all, find healing, find support, find your sensuality. If only we all were brave enough to claim our magic, and to share our gifts. Our world could really use more of this.
You can find all of Mystick’s products locally at Health Unlimited or online at
Photo Credits: Mystick